Hickory Knoll Church of Christ
2201 Hickory Ave., Harahan, LA 70123 / 504.737.4335
Turn Your Life Around
Path to Salvation
Who Are We?
Basic Bible Facts
ABC's of Acts
Alphabet Bible Memory Verses
2 year olds Bible Facts
3 year olds Bible Facts
4 year olds Bible Facts
5 year olds Bible Facts
1st Grade Bible Facts
2nd Grade Bible Facts
3rd Grade Bible Facts
4th Grade Bible Facts
5th Grade Bible Facts
6th Grade Bible Facts
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3rd Grade Basic Bible Facts
The Ten Commandments
1. You shall have no other gods
2. You shall not make or worship idols
3. Do not use God's name in vain
4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy
5. Honor your father and your mother
6. You shall not murder
7. You shall not commit adultery
8. You shall not steal
9. You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor
10. Do not covet
The 10 Plagues
Blood, Frogs, Lice, Flies, Dying Cattle,
Hail, Locusts, Boils, Darkness, Death of
The 12 Tribes of Israel
Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar,
Zebulon, Gad, Asher, Naphtali, Benjamin,
Dan, 1/2 Ephraim, 1/2 Manasseh
Plan of Salvation
1 - Hear
2 - Believe
3 - Repent
4 - Confess
5 - Be Baptized
6 - Remain Faithful