Lesson 1. Watch as Dennis explains the essential steps that lead a lost person to the salvation that can only be found in Jesus Christ, the one and only son of God.
Lesson 3. Do you want to become a Christian but are not sure how much you need to know in order to make the commitment? Watch as Dennis answers this question and more! Part 2 of 2.
Lesson 5. In this lesson, Dennis lays the scriptural foundation for affirming that immersion in water is essential for becoming a Christian and receiving forgiveness of sin.
Lesson 7. The Bible does not teach that we will feel "butterflies, goose bumps or tingles" after baptism. The Bible DOES teach, however, that a baptized believer can expect and enjoy certain feelings. This sermon lists some of those feelings.
Lesson 2. Do you want to become a Christian but are not sure how much you need to know in order to make the commitment? Watch as Dennis answers this question and more! Part 1 of 2.
Lesson 4. Dennis defines, illustrates and explains the necessity of repentance in the plan of salvation.
Lesson 6. Watch as Dennis addresses some of the objections and frequently asked questions about baptism as an essential part of God's plan of salvation.
Whatever you past is, Jesus will forgive you. In fact, the Great Physician wants to! You can recieve salvation.
In the iCan video series, you will learn God's plan for salvation and the appropriate response to His message. If you are interested in a Bible study, please call us at 504.737.4335. You can be saved! There is hope!