How can we advance the Cause of Christ and promote His mission? One way is to: Be Devoted. Watch as Andrew Itson encourages us to be Devoted in Worship. From our youth rally, Super Saturday, on July 19, 2014.
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How can we advance the Cause of Christ and promote His mission? One way is to: Be Devoted. Watch as Andrew Itson encourages us to be Devoted to One Another. From our youth rally, Super Saturday, on July 19, 2014. These famous words of the prophet Isaiah should be the same for all Christians today. This sermon considers the ways to be prepared to become more evangelistic. This sermon is designed to help each member of the congregation be aware that they have a valuable part in church growth. Beyond the obvious truths, (A solid foundation is built on God's Word. A Christian should be active in God's will and attend church faithfully...etc.) church growth stems from realizing the church is suppose to grow, understanding everyone is expected to participate, and knowing Jesus' mission of the church. Therefore, each person should love the Lord, love His church, and love souls. Everyone wants the church to grow! And, how would it be if the auditorium was packed every Sunday! Join Roger as he delivers an uplifting sermon about the power of one! Dennis' sermon reviews some of the ideas included in the book "Muscle and a Shovel" written by Michael Shank. Join Dennis as he teaches some of God's truths that came to life in a young newly-wed couple chasing the American dream. In the process, a man befriends them who turns their belief about God, their church, and their faith upside down!
The Robertson family has made national acclaim with their show called Duck Dynasty. This Christian family lives in Monroe, Louisiana and are faithful members of the Whites Ferry Road Church of Christ. Join Eric as he considers various lessons learned, including the importance of sharing your faith. The resignation of Pope Benedict has resulted in much curiosity about who will become the next "head" of the Roman Catholic Church. Have you ever wondered, though, what the Bible says about the foundation of the Lord's church? Who is the head of the church? Was Peter the first pope? Etc. Join Eric as he lovingly and compassionately considers Matthew 16:16-18 and other relevant texts to answer these questions. |
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March 2021